Applicable for a wide range of applications: assembly of small parts, heavy objects, handling and packaging.

This robot, with its unique motor and amplifier, is a suitable solution for applications that require high precision at high speeds. A large number of complex applications can be easily implemented in combination with other Mitsubishi devices, such as PLCs or servos.

The RH-FR series enables fast palletizing, targeted re-sorting, perfect loading and all this in record time.

"Intelligent functions of the next generation", "Applications with securely cooperating robots" and "FA-IT-integration functions". With these 3 key functions, the FR series is able to meet almost all your automation requirements.

Fast palletizing, targeted precise sorting, perfect assembly: all in record time. This is the Mitsubishi Electric RH series, which offers the highest performance in the SCARA class in 0.29 seconds. The product range includes the initial model RH-3F (R) H for work up to 3 kg, the power package RH-6F (R) H with a maximum load capacity of 6 kg, RH-12F (R) H with a load capacity of 12 kg and the top model RH-20F (R) H with a load capacity of 20 kg and a reach of up to 1000 mm. All variants are available as a complete system or as an easily integrable module for the full PLC function of the robot on the Mitsubishi Electric iQ platform.

In addition to the extremely short cycle times, the RH series also impresses with its exceptional flexibility: Thanks to the drastic extension of the range, the robot can easily reach every position in its working area.


  • We increase your productivity: Cycle times from 0.29 seconds with a repeatability of ± 0.01 mm
  • Maximize your radius of action: range 350 to 1000 mm, spindle length 150 to 340 mm
  • Optimal protection: IP54 as standard, optionally IP65, closed cover
  • Hygiene: Lubricant for the food industry as standard (from RH-6FH) or in the model for clean rooms (ISO level III). Therefore, all signal cables and pneumatic lines are stored inside
  • Connections: Pneumatic and electric effectors, ethernet, USB, camera interface and 2 encoder connections for up to 8 additional axes, optionally expanding input / output and fieldbus cards. Direct connection via Ethernet to GOT control terminals.
  • Configuration: As a complete robot and control system (controller) or with PLC module for full PLC function of the robot on the iQ platform [sp]
  • Teaching box: Fully graphic R56TB with touch screen or R32TB


PP KOVANDA as the preferred system integrator of industrial robots can integrate a robot into your automation directly adjusted to your application. You can find a complete list of individual types of robots directly on the website of the Czech representation of MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC s.r.o.